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Started teaching at Republican Valley in January 1992 after graduation from Kansas State University. Been the head football coach, assistant wrestling coach, head track coach for Southwest Public Schools over my career. I am now the Athletic Director and still the FFA Advisor over that period. Married to my wife Donna and have two daughters (Suzanne & Elaine) who are both graduates of Southwest and studied at Kansas State.


Below you will see the subject material being covered in a daily basis in class. Please use this to understand what will be happening on a daily basis for the class you are signed up for.

IF you are absent on a day, please email les.roggenkamp@swpschools.org and I will send you any classwork or homework via email. I have google folders set up for classes that I can send to students that allow them to access study materials for contests and for homework. The majority of homework performed for my classes takes place during the class period! Thus, making contact with me to obtain what was completed- notes, worksheets, online work, or record books- is the responsibility of the student! PLEASE contact me via email as I utilize email hourly to perform my duties in other areas.

If you are in WELDING it is vital that you are present for class. Each period is worth five points, you get 10 times for the semester you can miss class before you obtain no points on a day. That means on the 11th day of class missed, you will see a 0/5 for your days participation grade. You can make these up by coming in outside of class periods and welding for 45 min on a project or on performance welding, but not by missing another class to attend mine. Will need to be before or after school to earn points back.


WE DO NOT have daily assignments. Instead we have skills and abilities that students are exposed to and expected to master. You are graded on your ability to master the skill. You need to show your ability to master a concept. Example: performing a butt arc weld in welding or completing a Pearson square ration formulation problem in Animal Science. We may expose you to the skill one day, and then spend several days practicing the skill to completion. Each course has outcomes that the student should master by the completion of the semester. Those are available from Mr. Roggenkamp.



FFA Advisor - Athletic Director




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